Hello World


Text based patterns

The aim of this exercise is to develop a library that can generate text based geometric patterns. There are several problems in this exercise. Do them one by one. As you attempt each, you might realise better ways of solving these.

Do not reinvent unnecessary wheels

1. Filled Rectangle

Generate a filled rectangle of MxN dimension. Additionally the user should be able to specify the character used to fill the rectangle.

// 1 x 1, *

// 2 x 1, *

// 1 x 2, +

// 2 x 2, -

// 20 x 7, A

2. Hollow Rectangle

Generate a hollow rectangle of MxN dimension. Additionally the user should be able to specify the character that outlines the rectangle.

// 1 x 1, *

// 2 x 1, *

// 1 x 2, +

// 2 x 2, -

// 3 x 3, *
* *

// 20 x 7, +
+                  +
+                  +
+                  +
+                  +
+                  +

3. Cyclical Lines

Generate N lines of length M. The text used to generate the line should be cycled through a list of characters

// 3 x 1,+,-

// 2 x 4,+,-

// 3 x 3, +,-,*

// 5 x 3, +,-,*

// 4 x 1, +

4. Left Aligned Triangle

Generate a left-aligned right angled triangle of size N as follows:

// 2,-

// 3,+

// 6, *

5. Right Aligned Triangle

Generate a right-aligned right angled triangle of size N as follows:

// 2,-(the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)


// 3,+(the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)


// 6, * (the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)


6. Left Aligned Hollow Triangle

Generate a left-aligned right angled hollow triangle of size N as follows:

// 2,-

// 3,+

// 4,+
+ +

// 6, *
* *
*  *
*   *

7. Right Aligned Hollow Triangle

Generate a right-aligned right angled hollow triangle of size N as follows:

// 2,-(the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)


// 3,+(the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)


// 4,+(the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)

 + +

// 6, * (the empty line below is simply to differentiate. Your output should not contain it)

   * *
  *  *
 *   *

8. Diamond

Generate a diamond of size N and the specified character. N specifies the widest part of the diamond(the middle line). N needs to be odd. If an even number is supplied, round it up to the nearest odd.

// 3,+

// 5,*

// 4,* (round up to 5)

9. Hollow Diamond

Generate a hollow diamond of size N and the specified character. N specifies the widest part of the diamond(the middle line). N needs to be odd. If an even number is supplied, round it up to the nearest odd.

// 3,+
+ +

// 5,*
 * *
*   *
 * *

// 4,* (round up to 5)
 * *
*   *
 * *

10. Angled Hollow Diamond

Generate a hollow diamond whose edges are sloped. Unlike the previous diamond examples, this diamond only uses the character specified on the tips of the diamond.

// 3,-
- -

// 5,+
 / \
+   +
 \ /

// 7,*
  / \
 /   \
*     *
 \   /
  \ /